I can safely say, even if you'd never made another piece of art, or digital brush—I'd still remember you from the magic tricks at the Illustration Academy.

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I really appreciate you saying so! I am a serious hobbyist and nothing more, but it's enough to entertain others, and I get so much joy from it. It means a lot to know you remember those tricks from almost 20 years ago! I am a massive fan of your paintings. Wishing you well from Heidelberg!

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Really appreciate that! Hope Germany's treating you well!

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It’s great so far - obviously lots of adjustments to make and new things to learn, but it’s an all around positive thing for the whole family. Thanks, Steve.

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I always enjoy your art, your brushes, your writing, your Behance videos... Thanks. I am inspired.

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Thank you, Gary! I'm going to keep writing this newsletter as long as people want to read it. Happy new year!

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Happy New Year, Kyle! Looking forward to reading more inspiring posts in 2024. Your curiosity and positivity help keep me motivated to create on a daily basis. THANK YOU!!!

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Thank you- that means a lot!

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BRUH!!!!! That move was LEGIT! #Respect!

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I try, I try! 🙏😄

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Ha, my "useless skill" is figure skating. It's the thing that keeps my brain happy and at ease, but if I go to a creative conference it's useless haha.

A few of my others are:

- Making fancy charcuterie boards

- making sushi

- household things, like changing smoke alarm batteries

- detailing my car properly

- picking a good bottle of wine

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Figure skating is so cool! I love watching it at the Winter Olympics. I have only tried ice-skating three times and have landed very painfully every time I've given it a go! I admire anybody who can do it well.

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Hey Kyle! Just found you on Substack. There's so many platforms and posts and didn't know (I should have looked to be honest - too much to do so little time). Anyway, have loved your work and teachings for years! When I do my work I always have your suggestions in my head. Thank you for this post! And wow!! I had no idea you guys moved to Germany. Hope it's going well :)

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I'm so glad i found this platform at complete random haha! Currently i have just learned how to sing the entirety of 'we didnt start the fire' by billy joel and it took a bit to memorize!

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Your tracing book link is broken, you might want to fix it.

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Useless skills I learned so you should be able too as well:


-Spinning a pen


- Making little dust people :D

-Also making stick people <:D

-er… maybe also tape people… <:3

-Don’t forget pipe cleaner people! :D

-Just making little people from everything you find. Sticky notes? Done. Leaves? Also done. The options are endless.

-Glass blowing (Only for people who are able to really give time to it.)

-Typing random weird comments into sites like these. :D

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