Oct 20, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

Thank you for this and for your inspiring work. It's nice to know I'm not alone with my crazy-anxiety!

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

Kyle, you have always been a light in a dark place. Keep on shining 🙏🏼❤️

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Kyle, these posts you send out are always what I need to hear exactly when I need to hear them. THANK YOU so much for writing and sharing.

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OMG. THANK YOU FOR THIS! It almost makes me weep.

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And I thought it was only me!

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I love reading your posts, so genuine, so human and always relatable. It's good to know I'm not alone. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! And the resources are always so thoughtful and amazing! Thank you Kyle.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

"Looking forward" to that type of problem... hahah! Still need an achievement to be anxious about. Now, just anxious to get one!

Joking aside, great article. keep 'em coming!

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Thank you! As one who has never sought widespread recognition or "Success," I have developed my own definition of success. I taught art for 35 years. Lots of small successes there. Now, as a retiree, I sit in my studio and do what I enjoy. I challenge myself and constantly learn new things. I call this success... and happiness. Keep writing, Kyle. I love reading (and seeing and learning from) your work.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

Thanks so much for your vulnerability in sharing your honest experience around your journey. It is truly inspiring. I'm working on turning up the volume on that inner voice. I agree that, in the end, it's the only one that really matters.

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Great shared insights as usual Kyle. I usually label these moments in life as "interesting problems to have" since we get so used to the grind and the struggle we barely recognize the moment we finally, lastly "made it" perhaps even beyond our wildest dreams. And then comes the "what's next" pressure, as in: you've got this blockbuster hit, this dream job, this viral success... "what's next?". And that "what's next" can really fall on you like a ton of bricks. It's like you're really never "done", you just keep moving your goalposts. Anyway that's life I guess. 👋🏻

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Kyle, you are so modest in telling your failures boldly, which keeps readers like me feeling relevant and connected to you. Please keep doing this.

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Great piece -- and thanks a ton for the shout-out and kind words!

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Kyle, this newsletter is the best. The comfort and feeling like you’re not alone in this process. After reading every newsletter, I’m always left with the feeling that anything is possible. And, that we are good enough. We just need to be a little brave (from time to time) to get to where we want to be in life. Thank you for creating this newsletter! 😊

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Thank you for sharing these stories along with your feelings that were attached to each experience like velcro. Feeling we're worthy of our achievements is an ongoing conflict from this end too. The question "how can I stay relevant?" is forefront in my mind daily. I'm in the sixth decade of my creative journey and trying to explore new artistic opportunities but self doubt loves to perch on my shoulder whispering in my ear. Knocking that little boulder off daily empowers me to jump into the day ahead. Reading Substack shares like yours are inspiring and knowing that we can all help one another! Thank you :)

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

Kyle, this is a very personal reflection from someone who is ver successful that I think many artists struggle with. I think sometimes it bleeds over into pricing and "value". As a full time sales rep for most of my career, and part time illustrator, I'm exploring if there is value in sharing my sales knowledge with artists as to why artists are worth more than they give themselves credit for.

Glad to be 1 of the 4,000!


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