Hey Kyle. I too, got covid about two weeks ago and am still really fatigued. How about you? Are you still sick? How long is this gonna last?
Meanwhile, I wanted to plant a request seed while you rest, heal and recover. Let your mind wander and please… ponder your very best solution to managing the vast number of brushes you’ve created at …
Hey Kyle. I too, got covid about two weeks ago and am still really fatigued. How about you? Are you still sick? How long is this gonna last?
Meanwhile, I wanted to plant a request seed while you rest, heal and recover. Let your mind wander and please… ponder your very best solution to managing the vast number of brushes you’ve created at adobe. I’m increasingly frustrated by their inadequate system of dealing with them. I wish I could make my own categories and delete brushes I don’t use.
Definitely fatigued. I fall asleep in the afternoons sometimes and just feel spent.
There are, indeed, so many brushes! You can certainly make your own categories, folders, add/delete, etc. in Photoshop using the brushes panel. You can even search for brushes by name.
If you need more options, I recommend a plugin like BrushBox by Derrick Barth.
Hey Kyle. I too, got covid about two weeks ago and am still really fatigued. How about you? Are you still sick? How long is this gonna last?
Meanwhile, I wanted to plant a request seed while you rest, heal and recover. Let your mind wander and please… ponder your very best solution to managing the vast number of brushes you’ve created at adobe. I’m increasingly frustrated by their inadequate system of dealing with them. I wish I could make my own categories and delete brushes I don’t use.
Definitely fatigued. I fall asleep in the afternoons sometimes and just feel spent.
There are, indeed, so many brushes! You can certainly make your own categories, folders, add/delete, etc. in Photoshop using the brushes panel. You can even search for brushes by name.
If you need more options, I recommend a plugin like BrushBox by Derrick Barth.
Yes but my primary device these days is my iPad Pro. Love that machine. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated