Aug 25, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

Thought provoking! Thanks Kyle

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Hi, Laura- thanks for reading and looking forward to seeing you soon!

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The change I recently experienced stopped my creative processes for a couple of months. A death in the family. Taking on the chores of executor of an estate. I was beginning to fear that I would never get back into my studio. I’m coming through, though, and the ideas are beginning to come, too. It feels good.

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First - very sorry to hear. Second, tragedies and tough times actually do often lead to renewed creative energy, only it tends to come later, I have found -- after one has processed the feelings and found some peace.

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I would love to know more about your change. I have enjoyed your Behance videos and was worried that you had disappeared.

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Maybe I'll write about it in detail sometime. Long story short, coming out of a really tough time with health problems inspired me to create all kinds of new things.

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I have been on sabbatical for the past month, and Adobe Masterclass took a little break, as well, which explains the pause in live streams. I hope to do some more of them in the fall.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

Awesome—Glad you are taking time for yourself!!

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As long as you and your family are safe and well. Behance hasn’t been the same without you. Personally, I am getting very tired of hearing all the hype about Firefly and AI.

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And thanks!

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Glad you made it safe and sound.

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It wasn't completely smooth, but travel never is these days! Glad to be here, figuring it out day by day. The kids love it. Sending you good vibes!

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

I’m a freelance desktop publisher for print (mainly schoolbooks, high school levels), working from home. I try to make some changes between projects. Last time I replaced my keyboard (now an extended version), upgraded my OS, changed the system language (I’m bilingual), switched hands (now keyboard to the left, Wacom to the right -- I’m ambidextrous), and replaced/moved some items that are in my line of sight (I’m facing a full wall of bookshelves, floor to ceiling). Minor changes, but it keeps my workplace interesting. I’m very lucky, my workshop is in what used to be a general store attached to an heritage-listed house. Imagine all the possibilities...

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That workspace sounds pretty fantastic! All those little changes you're making must keep things fresh; sounds like you're an expert at making sure the working environment doesn't get stale. Excellent!

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

Thanks, Kyle - I wondered what was going on with you. Have missed you! Wish you and your family all the best in your new home. 💗

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Apologies for not writing for so long- thank you for sticking with me! Happy weekend to you.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

I'm totally impressed with your gigantic - round the world move!

My only biggest moves have been to run away to New York City, to start my new life as a children's book illustrator. But I still can't hardly believe how I changed my life with just deciding to move, and it's surely the best idea I ever had.

To think I'd been practically homeless, living in the outback deserts out west, without prospects or hope... but then, just one year later, I was living on a leafy street in Manhattan and making what seemed to me a fortune to just draw pictures. https://johnnez.substack.com/p/arrival-in-gotham

Now my moves are far less dramatic... like discovering new classical music stations to listen to online from all around the world. Radio Classique in Paris and Radio 3 BBC in London for example.

The really interesting thing though I find is that every day brings dozens of new interesting things to choose in one's life... so it's a real art just finding them, since there are so many choices.

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First, congratulations on that big change and on your success. New York City is not the easiest adjustment. Also, the picture book world is very competitive. Second, I'm a huge fan of international radio! I really should have mentioned that in the story and might edit it later. I listen to French radio, as well, and it really does put my mind in a different space. Excellent stuff.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

Congratulations on the move! I would love to hear more about your experience living abroad and what you’re finding creatively inspiring as you explore your new land!

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Thank you, Allison! As I get settled, I will write more about it. I was fortunate to grow up overseas and we used to move every 2 to 4 years, but as an adult, I have stuck to pretty much one area, so I'm definitely out of practice!

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Kyle T Webster

Thanks for your article. I love it and I agree with it.

In the last few days I started to make small changes, as you suggested. And I have to admit it feels good.

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That really makes my day, Patrick. Thanks for taking the time to share this, and I'm glad this idea was helpful for you.

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