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In this newsletter, I help fellow creators by sharing everything I know about drawing, design, commercial art, selling a brand to Adobe, leaving Adobe, AI, joining forces with Procreate … and more. I write about all of it, good and bad. I also share personal stories about anxiety, imposter syndrome, and some of the other challenges that come with working in a creative profession (or just being human). There are links to resources in most issues, such as art tutorials, relevant podcast interviews, and free stuff. Sometimes, I just share drawings. Overall, I’ll bet there’s something for you here. Thanks for the support. The newsletter is free, but if you’re so inclined, paid subscriptions are just $36/year. Paid subscribers get audio recordings of each issue, my eternal gratitude, and other (future) goodies.

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Stories of success, failure, lucky guesses, and digital art.


Creator of KyleBrush, illustrator, author, educator. Currently working at Procreate. 🖌️